Video Highlights
Highlights from some of my podcasts, talks, appearances, one-man show, and more.
San Francisco Writers Conference Podcast
Honored to have four of my stories recognized in the Soul-Making Keats Literary Awards. (more)
Eye on (Porcelain) Travel
An honor and a pleasure to talk about Porcelain Travels with CBS News Travel Editor Peter Greenberg, for his Eye on Travel radio program! Listen here (interview at 1:20:00).
Since the first session of my Creativity Book Group sold out, Book Passage has invited me to hold a second session for wait listers and others who might be interested.
I had such a great time during my wide-ranging conversation on the new THE MINDS UNLEASHED podcast!
Looking forward to my in-store Book Passage interview with Eric Weiner about his new book, BEN AND ME.
Join us for soup and a 90-minute exploration of how connecting with your body can help you envision your next chapter.
After much study, weekly live calls, and hours of beta-client sessions, as of today I am a Certified Human Potential Coach!
I could hardly be more excited to get back to beautiful Bell Valley, nor honored to be on staff for this first-ever HOW TO THRIVE AS A WRITER event.